At Curtis, we’re not just teaching facts and figures. We want students to make meaning out of what they learn so that they can become the well-rounded, dynamic young people that secondary schools, colleges, employers, and the world need.
We emphasize and seamlessly interweave the development of the mind, body, and heart in an environment that savors the wonders of childhood.
Our curriculum was developed to provide students with the communication skills, habits of mind, and resilience needed for success and to help them become dexterous learners with the ability and agility to see and make meaning out of information in both reflective and innovative ways.
We honor children as individuals with unique learning styles who require and deserve teaching methods that maximize their understanding of and connection to their learning. Our faculty know how to safely and respectfully stretch our students because they deeply understand what’s happening for young people at a developmental level.
Because when every stage of childhood is deeply understood and honored in the education of minds, bodies, and hearts, learning is forever joyful.